
Photo taken by Millie Cooper
A selection of new things from the studio!

Image from Workshop Jackson Hole

Image from Workshop Jackson Hole

Photo by Millie Cooper

Check out our shop for all the latest:
A 5-part visual overview of Dowd House Studios -
Process, Pottery in Action, Archive, Art Fairs, and (of course) the Studio Cat

Jenny glazing in the Art Association Studio, photo by Camrin Dengel
It's all about process!
Sometimes that means building a building and not a mug… our new studio was built in 2022! Visit the Journal for a little more info or check out this slideshow:
Meet the kilns!
And now a gas kiln is joining the group…

A variety of process images from over the years, from our old studio in Wyoming, to now in Arkansas.

Pottery in Action!
We love seeing our pottery in use, send us a photo and it might end up here!
Our studio cat, Merlin, wants you to know that he oversees all studio activities. You can follow him on Instagram @merlin_paws

A few photos from past art fairs in Wyoming: Art Fair Jackson Hole, and Takin' it to the Streets.
As we settle into NW Arkansas we have been popping up at fairs in our region.

Archive / A few of our favorite (early) pots that found homes.